BOOKISH FINDS: Borrowed Books


dsc_01531I’m not even pretending that my book-relate impulses can be controlled any more. I’m always going to be excitedly fumbling for the next book I can get my hands on, regardless of my TBR pile and it’s embarrasing size. ‘Don’t you have, like, a stack of books under your bed that you haven’t read yet?‘ I was asked when I came home from the library a few days ago. Yes, I do, but I didn’t have these books. I like knowing that my TBR pile is there, waiting to be read when I’m ready. At least if I’m borrowing books then I’m not splurging too much.

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

Sharp Objects is this month’s read for #GGBookClub, so I feel like I can let myself off for picking this up. I started reading it a few days ago and devoured the first five chapters in one sitting. I keep telling people that thrillers aren’t really for me, but I’m beginning to think I was lying. The novel tells the story of a journalist who leaves Chicago to visit her small hometown where one young girl has been murdered and another has disappeared. Drama is always intensified in the close quarters of a small town and I’m interested to see how this small town copes with the fact that the culprit may be one of their own.

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff

Can we mention how mouth-watering the cover is? I don’t tend to pick up books because of their cover, but Fates and Furies has appeared on a couple of blogs I’ve read recently and my love of the illustration has kept it in my mind. It’s one of the books on my 2017 reading list too. Fates and Furies has a relationship at it’s centre, a marriage that spands over two decades, and the secrets that have sustained it.

Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

I remember reading about Radio Silence on a blog ages ago and wanting to read it. I can’t find the blog that spoke about it, no matter how many times I try to remember, but I found the book so I’m halfway there. The story is told through various forms of communication as well as prose and it deals with some interesting themes around identity so I’m excited to read it.



Author: Nicole @whatadifferenceawordmakes

Book-lover, tea enthusiast and MA student

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