Review: Heartstopper Volume 1 by Alice Oseman



I haven’t read that many graphic novels, which on reflection seems ridiculous, as a person who loves the way that art and images can tell stories. Through most of my last year of university I was pretty obsessed with photographs. I was an art student who wrote on the side. So I’m glad I read the first volume of Heartstopper, because it reminded me of how much a picture can say. Continue reading “Review: Heartstopper Volume 1 by Alice Oseman”

Hello, it’s me


DSC_1102No, not Adele. Sorry to disappoint. (I may need to find newer cultural references, although Adele is GREAT).

It’s been a long old while since I did any blogging, which has genuinely surprised me, because in my head I kept thinking ‘it’s only been three months’. That is, in fact, a huge lie. I’ve been gone for nearly three times that. How has that happened? Did I step into a fairy ring and everyone was too polite to say? Possibly, or I fell out of routine and didn’t quite managed to get back into it.

The truth is, it’s really easy to stop doing something, even things you like doing. Frighteningly easy. And I’m not quite sure why.

But I am making a tentative move to get back into blogging, because if there’s something I love more than tea, and potentially more than sarcasm, its books.

Although nothing will ever match my love of brie. It’s a whole thing at the moment.
