BOOKISH FINDS: The Waiting Game




I think we all know the drill by now: I enforced a strict no book buying rule on myself because its become an addiction and then argued to myself that it didn’t really count if they were from a charity shop because they were a bargain. In my defence, I probably wouldn’t have even gone into the shop if my friend hadn’t been late to lunch. So this one’s entirely on her (thank you for being late, thank you, thank you).

It turns out waiting for a friend can lead you to surprising discoveries. Here’s what I picked up: Continue reading “BOOKISH FINDS: The Waiting Game”

REVIEW: Landline by Rainbow Rowell



If you cound contact anyone from the past who would it be? A friend you lost contact with, a relative you never got to know or maybe the one who got away? Georgie doesn’t get a choice. Co-writing a successful sitcom with her best friend Seth is hard work, particulalry when it’s not the show they want to be making. But when they might finally have the chance to make the show they have wanted to create since college Georgie has a tough decision to make: go to Omaha with her family or spend Christmas at the office. Continue reading “REVIEW: Landline by Rainbow Rowell”

BOOKISH BITES: Veggie Fajitas



This may be the first time I’ve blogged about a Bookish Bite that wasn’t baking related, but don’t be alarmed! These veggie fajitas are so good that I had to share them. They may not come in cookie form but they are just as good! I found the recipe on my old friend BBC Good Food and I’ve made them so many time that I don’t even bother to read the recipe anymore. I have it ingrained in my head somewhere between Stephen Chbosky quotes and random dates from history that I know should be important but I can’t quite recall their significance. I usually add a bag of Quorn chicken style pieces just to add some protein and tonnes of cheese. They are perfect for dinner and you can add any fajita sauce you fancy. I’m a delicate individual but I image they’re just as good with an extra spicy kick to them.

I’m half-tempted to make some right now…

MISC: Why It’s Ok if a Book Isn’t Your Cup of Tea

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When I go to the library, I try not to have too many ideas of what books I want to take out because for me the thrill is in finding a story I might not have considered or come across before. It’s about as spontaneous as a bookworm like me gets and it’s had some mixed results. I couldn’t get through First Novel by Nicholas Royle fast enough but found myself disappointed by Jandy Nelson’s The Sky is Everywhere. You don’t always get what you were expecting and that’s a good thing. Continue reading “MISC: Why It’s Ok if a Book Isn’t Your Cup of Tea”