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I’ve been on a teeny book buying spree this month, which I probably shouldn’t have. To be fair they have been spontaneous, spur of the moment purchases so I don’t think I can be entirely to blame. Surprisingly, I’ve picked up quite a lot of non-fiction books. It’s a bit unusual for me but I’m trying to read more outside my comfort zone, and I’ve been surprised how much I’ve enjoyed the books I have read recently. Continue reading “BOOKISH FINDS:”

Bookish Finds: Books, Books, Books

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In my months away from the blog I have, like any dedicated bookworm, collected a horrific amount of books, more books than I can possibly read. The to be read pile is getting dangerously big, which is actually proving quite handy because my room is a little cold and drafty, and books it turns out can be used for insulation when they’re not being read. By next winter I’ll probably have enough to build a sizeable igloo which I can retreat to when the cold sets in again. I’ll save loads of money on heating.

Anyway, I thought I’d share a handful of my recent acquisitions that I’m excited to read! Continue reading “Bookish Finds: Books, Books, Books”

BOOKISH FINDS: Workday Reading

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DSC_1059I do a lot of my reading on the commute to work these days. Working in London, it’s easy to get pulled into the manic rush, to squeeze yourself onto trains, race to catch connections, run to catch a bus. More than once I’ve been swept up in the panic of missing a train but I try to remind myself it’s not wasted time. It’s more time I can spend reading and that can’t be a bad thing. On Monday I got caught out, reading the last ten pages of Sarah Perry’s After Me Comes The Flood at lunchtime and I didn’t want to head home without anything to read, so I headed down to Waterstones to pick up a few books. Ignoring the fact that currently I work in an office filled with books, because I am in serious denial about my book buying.

Continue reading “BOOKISH FINDS: Workday Reading”

BOOKISH FINDS: Online Orders & Other Things

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I’m currently trying to minimise the amount of books I have in London, because I’m pretty conscious of completely swamping my aunt’s house in books. It will happen if I don’t watch myself. So I’ve turned my home into an almost library, where every time I go back I take the books I’ve read home and bring back the same amount that I haven’t read. It’s a system that’s lasted all of about three minutes, because I am terrible at not buying books.

A couple of books I’ve been given by colleagues who have passed them along after they’ve read them so I don’t count that as not sticking to the rule. Or deviating from the rule only slightly. You can’t really turn down books that have been offered to you. That would be sheer madness. So here are the books I’ve collected over the last few weeks. Continue reading “BOOKISH FINDS: Online Orders & Other Things”

BOOKISH FINDS: New Year, New Books

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I had Margaret Atwood’s dystopian classic The Handmaid’s Tale for Christmas and Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls, both beautifully crafted books with strong feminist vibes, but I decided to use the holidays to really relax, so I didn’t photograph them and I’ve left them at home while I continue to work in the big city. I’ll try and photograph them at some point, but I have some other books to share as well. Technically, I didn’t buy them all in 2018, but well we’ll twist the rules a little just this once.  Continue reading “BOOKISH FINDS: New Year, New Books”

BOOKISH FINDS: The Charity Shelf

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One of the things I love about my internship is that I’m constantly surrounded by books. There are shelves everywhere I look, and on those shelves are stories that I would really love to read. The other thing is that I’m surrounded by people who love books and are generous with them too. We have a charity shelf in the lobby of the building where people leave books once they’ve finished them for other people to enjoy. It’s a great system, and I’ve picked up some books I’ve wanted to read in for a while:


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DSC_0943I’ve been trying not to buy books and failing miserably recently. I’m only in London for a few months, so accumulating a book fortress is going to make for interesting moving, but it doesn’t count if you get given books. And I was given books. So it doesn’t count.

They’ve all got great covers. Continue reading “BOOKISH FINDS:”

BOOKISH FINDS: Surprise Mail

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There’s nothing better than a bookish surprise, and I had one just before I left Liverpool. My last ever parcel in that house (I’m trying not to be overly emotional about these things, but I got a bit teary when I realised I’d done my last ever clothes wash in the house, don’t ask), but it definitely put a smile on my face after what was a excited but sad week.

My lovely friend sent me my birthday present and it was every book-lovers dream. She got me Ali Smith’s Autumn, which I have been wanting to read for a while, particularly when the Waterstones autumn displays have been trying to tempt me into buying it. It’s like she read my mind. Not only that she got me some lovely little bookish pins and a Moomin calendar. If anyone knows me, they will know how much I love the Moomins (Exhibit A, the soft toy in this picture). I haven’t set out to collect Moomins, but now that I have some pyjamas, cups, a decanter, a make-up bag and a soft toy, I think it’s hard for me to deny that I have a slight obsession.

They were the perfect presents.

BOOKISH FINDS: Birthday Books

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It’s my birthday! I’m turning 24 today, and to celebrate I decided to invest in some extra special books. It’s something I started doing last year, and I wanted to keep it going because for me there’s nothing better than a book on your birthday, or maybe three.

I’ve had my eye on these beautiful Austen books for ages. Since I first read Emma as a teenager, Jane Austen has been my all time favourite author. I loved her wit, her warmth and her strong characters. For me, there’s no one like Austen, and these books seemed liked the perfect present to myself.


Despite being a huge Austen fan, I only actually own a Clothbound Classic copy of Persuasion and a Vintage Classic Pride & Prejudice, so it’s nice to finally have some copies to call my own. I’m thinking I might have to complete the set very soon.

What’s your favourite way to celebrate your birthday? Do you buy birthday books too?