WWW Wednesday: 12th April 2017

It’s been a hectic few weeks, but with one deadline down and one (and one BIG one) to go, I thought I’d take some time out to share what I’ve been reading over the last few weeks! WWW is hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Each Wednesday book enthusiasts share their reads by answering three questions:


The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?DSC_0457

I’m currently halfway through The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. I wanted to get his short story collection from the library but they didn’t have it in. So I picked Oscar Wao up instead. It’s a lot different to what I thought it would be, and the footnotes and the constant slips into Spanish are a little disorientating at times, but it’s an interesting story about a part of the world I know very little about!

What did you recently finish reading?DSC_0450

I was really looking forward to reading The Wrath & the Dawn. I thought it was such an interesting concept for a book, and the first few chapters really grabbed me, but I found myself enjoying it less the more I read and I think it was down to the problems I had with the characters. I’ll post a full review later in the week.

DSC_0454I also finished Bad Dreams by Tessa Hadley. It’s the first of her short story collections that I’ve read and I thought it was brilliant. The first story An Abduction was particularly memorable. The woman in the stories are diverese and individual in their own right.

DSC_0448What do you think you’ll read next?

I’m on a short story binge at the moment, and I’m so intrigued by the cover, so it’s probably going to be Hall of Small Mammals by Thomas Pierce. I’ve just started watching 13 Reasons Why on Netflix and I didn’t realise I’d be pulled in as strongly as I did, so I’m also torn between binge-watching the series, or buying the book and reading it first.

What’s everyone else reading this week?

Author: Nicole @whatadifferenceawordmakes

Book-lover, tea enthusiast and MA student

7 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: 12th April 2017”

  1. W1: Going to make a start reading an advanced copy of The Wish Child I got from Penguin Random House’s The Scheme taster day. I think it will be an interesting read as the jacket copy refers to…
    W2: All the Light We Cannot See. After jumping through a few other books while still reading this one (which I hate doing), I finally finished it after stationing myself on my decking and refusing to move until I’d finished it. Still thought it was at times hard to read due to its style (incredibly short chapters don’t help with drawing you in), yet it did improve a lot from my initial misgivings.
    W3: I am going onto another advanced copy of a book that I was given this week called 99 Red Balloons. Or, depending on how dark The Wish Child gets, I’ll jump into that animal short story collection for more frivolity.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad All the Light We Cannot See got better towards the end! It’s always frustrating when you push through a book an it doesn’t pay off. I wanted to go to one of The Scheme taster days, but work and distance conspired against me. I hope it was good! I’m four stories into Hall of Small Animals. There aren’t as many animals as the title suggests but I’m enjoying it so far!


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