MISC: Top Ten Tuesday- 23rd May 2017


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is summer-themed, which seems appropriate considering how warm its been recently (cue thunderstorms and torrential rain, I know you Britain), but I’m not co-ordinated enough to read summery books in the summer. My reading trends are haphazard at best. I’m more of an ‘oh look, a book’ kind of reader which means I’ll pick up absolutely anything regardless of the season (unless its Christmas, I feel weird reading Christmas-themed books at other times of the year). Last year I took an eclectic mix of books across the ocean with me when I travelled to Crete, and although I’m not off anywhere sunny this year, I thought I’d pick the 10 reads I would take if I was.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they post a different topic that one of their bloggers answers, and they invite others to join in either by posting their answers as a comment or by creating their own blog post.

1. Yes Please by Amy Poehler Yes Please

I’ve been in love with Amy Poehler ever since Parks & Recreation. I just think she’s an incredibly talented and witty woman, and I can’t get enough of her!



2. A Manual For Cleaning Women by Lucia Berlin A Manual for Cleaning Women: Selected Stories

I’m doing a creative writing course, and I write short stories so my summer reading needs to include a few collections. I just started it, and I am loving it so far.




3. Heartless by Marissa MeyerHeartless

Heartless has been stuck under my bed for a while now. I’m hoping to crack it open once all my uni work is out the way. I love the idea of retellings and alternate viewpoints, so its right up my street.



4. The Essex Serpent by Sarah PerryThe Essex Serpent

I can’t get away from this book. It crops up everywhere and I caved and bought it a few weeks ago. I love books that play with local myths and superstitions. The blurb reminds me of a book I read as a teenager,  The Fearful by Kevin Gray which I really enjoyed.


5. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail HoneymanEleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine

Every review I’ve read for this book has been overwhelmingly positive. I’m a big fan of books with unusual names (sometimes that’s all I need to pick it up) and this definitely draws me in. I’m really interested in routines and rituals, and how they dictate everyday life, so I think this will be a great read!



6. The Impossible Fortess by Jason RekulakThe Impossible Fortress

The blurb for this book sounds like a more light-hearted version of the film Stand By Me, but I might be wrong. A group of young boys go on a quest to find a Playboy magazine that will change their lives for ever. I read one of Rekulak’s short stories in a anthology edited by Stephen Chbosky a few years ago and liked his writing style, so I’m interested to see how it translates to a longer story.


7. Submarine by Joe DunthorneSubmarine

I don’t know if it’s slipped your notice but I’m Welsh. I know, I hardly mention it at all. But the cat’s out of the bag. Most people probably don’t want to read about their home when they go away, but I’m stupidly proud of Wales and this book sounds so delightfully quirky that if I was going anywhere this year, I’d have to take it with me.


8. A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E SchwabA Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic, #1)

There is so much love on the internet for this series of books, and I’m not entirely sure how I missed out on it? It has everything you could possibly want in a swash-buckling fantasy adventure. I nearly kicked myself for not buying the series in a shop a couple of weeks back, but university reading has to take priority.  I know I’ll binge-read it as soon as my work is done.


9. American Gods by Neil GaimanAmerican Gods (American Gods, #1)

I’ve never read a Neil Gaiman book. I know, it’s shocking. But the premise of this book sounds so intriguing, and I like that reality and myth seem to blend together. So I’m hoping to pick it up soon!




10. Where Am I Now? by Mara Wilson Where Am I Now?

I started following her on Twitter a couple of months ago and she is so on point all of the time! Child stars are such an interesting phenomenon. There’s only a handful of people who know what its like to grow up in the spotlight, and she is one of them.


What are your summer reads? Are you an organied, seasonal reader? Let me know!

Author: Nicole @whatadifferenceawordmakes

Book-lover, tea enthusiast and MA student

21 thoughts on “MISC: Top Ten Tuesday- 23rd May 2017”

  1. I haven’t read American Gods, but of the Neil Gaiman books I have picked up, I can tell you that he is amazing storyteller. Speaking of amazing storytellers, V.E. Schwab’s Shades of Magic series is all kinds of incredible. Hope you enjoy all the books you pick up this summer!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes I’m amazed I haven’t picked up any of his books yet. I’m a little in awe of him if I’m honest! VE Schwab’s another author I’m in awe of. I don’t think I’ve heard a single bad things about the series! Thank you! I hope you do too!

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  2. I NEED to get to the Shades of Magic series soon, agh! It’s been on my TBR forever :/ I’m definitely with you on the “oh look, a book” thing. I read what I feel like reading regardless of the season – hence, I read summer romances in the thick of winter. A couple books I plan on reading this summer are Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia and Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh.

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad there are people out there who haven’t got round to reading it yet. I don’t feel so behind! Yes, sometimes you have to pick up a book regardless of the season! I’ve heard a lot of good things about Flame in the Mist. It sounds like a story you can get swept up in which is perfect for summer!


  3. I’ve read only one Neil Gaiman book before (“Stardust”) and didn’t enjoy it that much but I’m very curious about “American Gods” at the moment, too. The reason is the new Amazon show which I really want to watch but when it comes to screen adaptations I always prefer reading the book first 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t read any of his books yet- it’s hard to know where to start! I completely forgot there was an Amazon show coming out! I’m exactly the same I hate watching films and shows before I’ve read the book! Although I have been known to cheat and watch the adaption first!


  4. I loved Yes Please. It was such a great read and pretty funny at times too. I loved Parks & Rec so much. I have Heartless too that I still need to get around to reading. I wasn’t a big fan of the Lunar Chronicles though, which is why I haven’t been in a rush to pick up Heartless off my shelf to read. I still haven’t read A Darker Shade of Magic either. So many people love the series. I own both books, so I really need to get to it! I tried listening to American Gods, but just couldn’t get into it. 😦 I am really interested in picking up Mara Wilson’s book! Great list!

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    1. Yay I’m so glad you liked Yes Please! I never expected to like Parks & Rec as much as I did but it was pure magic! I haven’t read the Lunar chronicles – I like the concept but haven’t got round to picking it up. Hopefully Heartless will be a better fit! I’m glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t read A Darker Shade of Magic! I felt like I’d been living under a rock 😂

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