READING LISTS: New Year, New Reads


Happy New Year my lovely, lovely book enthusiasts! I hope 2017 is shaping up to be your best year yet! By the end of this month the blog will be officially one-year old. It’s the longest I’ve ever kept a blog running and I think that, despite how cliche it might sound, it’s because I’ve found something that gets me giddy with excitement: books!

So, a new year call for a new reading list.I did better than I thought with my list for 2016 and managed to read 11 out of the 19 books I chose. I knew I’d get distracted by all the other lovely books out there! I finished 2016 with 45 books under my belt but I’m hoping to make it to 50 this year. I’ve already started reading D.H Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover so I should have one book ticked off the list in no time! I didn’t realise when I was writing it out that the books I had chosen were almost all writen by women writers- it just goes to show how many great female voices there are out there!

If you didn’t know already, I’ve been contributing to the wonderul Imaginary Book Club over the last few months and I’ll be sharing my reading goals for 2017 over on the website very soon!

What are you planning to read in 2017?

Author: Nicole @whatadifferenceawordmakes

Book-lover, tea enthusiast and MA student

2 thoughts on “READING LISTS: New Year, New Reads”

  1. Oh that’s awesome about your reading goals!🎉 WOOOO. I hope you have a fantastic 2017 for books too *nods* I kind of half plan to maybe get on top of my TBR a bit. But who knows if that’ll happen. haha. I collect more books than I can read, whooops. (And double yay for all the terrific female writers in this world. <3)


    1. Thank you, you too! I’m sort of resigned to my TBR pile eventually smothering me! I keep banning myself and then books just fall into my bag…oops! Good luck though- the struggle is real. There are so many amazing female authors at the moment- I’m just in awe of them all!


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