MISC: Reading List Round-up 2017 & 2018 Reading List

EtheringtonHeaders-Reading Lists


The last couple of years I’ve set myself a reading list to tick off. The goal is to read some books on my TBR that are dusted in cobwebs, or pick up a book that I normally wouldn’t. The problem is that I rarely stick to it. So many books get published each year that catch my eye. Books get given to me, or I buy them spontaneously (it’s about the only spontaneous thing I do) and even though I have the best intentions, sometimes telling yourself ‘I have to read this book’ can put you off.

I’ve read six of the books on my list this year, and of those I think The Girls by Emma Cline was the only one I really, really enjoyed. That’s not to say I didn’t like the others, or I wouldn’t like the rest of the books on the list (you can’t knock it til you’ve tried it and all that jazz) but it made me realise that maybe the system I had in place wasn’t actually working. So for 2018, I’m giving myself a general reading list with themes and genres, rather than specific titles.

  • A book by an author I’ve never read before
  • A book by a debut author
  • A book I wouldn’t normally read
  • A book I’ve already read
  • A YA book
  • A narrative non-fiction book
  • A murder mystery
  • A historical novel
  • A book that’s been made into a film I haven’t seen
  • A classic
  • A book a family member loves
  • A book from my TBR
  • An own voices book
  • A book set in a country I’ve never been to
  • A book from the Man Booker 2017 shortlist
  • A book of short stories

I challenged myself to read 50 books in 2017, and I beat that, so I’m going to give myself more of a challenge and say 70 for 2018. I’m going to try to push my way through my TBR pile this year!

What are your reading goals for 2017?

Author: Nicole @whatadifferenceawordmakes

Book-lover, tea enthusiast and MA student

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